Li's Favorite Virginia Beach Eats!
Welcome to The Ink Journey
the ink journey Press
Jay Lambert
Great Journals to plan my day, month and year. It really helps me stay on task. helps keep me accountable and productive.
Mark Crews
Love the Podcast.
Small Talk - Big Action gives me the motivation that i need each week to feel inspired and connected.
Cecil Browning
I love the Youtube channel. It helps me relax and get the clarity i need on a daily basis. Especially first thing in the morning.
Our Blog
Our Blog posts are aimed at encouraging everyone to join us on a journey of exploration and discovery about ourselves, each other, and the world we live in. Here you will find information to enhance your health, increase your wealth and pursue true happiness. Our writers are committed to sharing the latest in self-help, self-discovery, and self-love. We are also very grounded in our community and the creative culture. Whether you are an entrepreneur, Creative, following a career path or still searching for your passion, there is something here for you. Follow us as we explore our love for books music shopping and travel. We always have something great in our Amazon cart and we would love to share that with you every week.