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Guided meditation to Free your Mind in 2022

What is Meditation?

What does it mean to meditate? There are so many definitions and contradictions about what meditation is. Some think it's about paying attention to your breath, some say it's about focusing on one thought, and others say it is a state of mindfulness. Simply put, it is the act of clearing one's mind so that there are no distractions.

We decided to dive in and tell you what meditation means to us here at "The Ink Journey.

We believe in setting aside 10 minutes daily to renew your mind and find your inner peace. We encourage you to clear your thoughts and take your mind off the day's responsibilities. We want you to take at least 10 minutes a day and simply be! You might be asking, "Be what?" The answer is "Be you"!

Why Is Meditation Helpful

Meditation is a practice that has been around for thousands of years. It is still used today. It has many benefits for the mind and body, including reduced stress and increased focus.

The mind often won't slow down unless we are asleep. Even then, the subconscious takes over.

Sometimes even in a dream state, we are not resting. Even asleep, we can be in a state of unrest. This unsettled feeling is because so much is happening around us. It's so important to be able to turn it all off for a few minutes a day and get clear. A meditation practice can sometimes bring us to a place of total stillness and peace.

Can Anyone Do it

The basic meditation process starts by finding a comfortable position, closing your eyes, and focusing on your breath; this will help you get into a relaxed state of mind. Once you are in a state of calmness, begin pushing all thoughts from your mind.

Clearing your mind does not always come easy, especially when you are just beginning. Some beginners like the idea of using breathwork to quiet their minds. They place all focus on the inward and outward breaths. Trust and believe that this technique does not work for everyone. Some people get so caught up in whether they are doing it correctly that they cause themselves even more anxiety and defeat the purpose.

We suggest soft music while focusing on one thought or word. Sometimes words like joy and peace can help get you to a place of clarity and serenity. Meditation means focusing on the present moment—anchoring ourselves to the right now. We must clear our minds of any thoughts about the past and future. It is all about the power of the here and now. We can only control the here and now. The real power is in the “I Am.”

To get started, try picking one word and become that one thing. Embrace it and become immersed in it for 10-15 minutes. I am happy. I Am Free. I Am powerful. I Am Healed. Just one word and become it. This is a form of guided meditation. You let the word lead you. You allow the word to calm you, and you become the word.

What are the Benefits of Meditation?

There are many different types of meditation. It is one of the most widespread mental practices that helps rid you of distracting thoughts that can dictate your mood. If you have negative thoughts flooding your mind all day, having a good and productive day will be almost impossible.

Research has shown that meditation can reduce the risk of heart disease by over 50%. Meditation also reduces the symptoms of asthma by up to 27%. Meditation is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety while improving sleep quality.

Additional Benefits to Meditation

Adopting a meditation practice in your life will have many benefits, including lower blood pressure, reduced stress, better focus, increased creativity, and improved moods. Stress reduction is one of the many reasons to meditate. If you have trouble sleeping, meditating at night might help.

Experts agree, and scientific research has shown that meditation positively affects our mental health. It can help with depression, anxiety, stress, chronic pain, and more. True meditation is a practice that involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. You can also use other methods, such as yoga, tai chi, and more.

Some additional benefits of Meditation are:

-improved focus and concentration
-It helps relieve stress
-It enhances creativity
-It reduces anxiety
-It increases self-awareness
-Stress Reduction
-Physical Health
-Enhances your mental state
-Awareness of Consciousness

How to Start a Daily Meditation Practice?

The basics are all the same. The key is to begin listening to your body and inner voice. Get in a quiet place. Quiet places offer a sense of peace and tranquility. Your brain understands stillness. It longs for it. Try focusing on the in and out breath; if that doesn't work, try focusing on a single word.

We simply suggest taking a moment to notice what thoughts are running through your mind. Be patient with yourself. Our thoughts are on a loop, and around and around they go. If stillness does not work for you, try writing a word on a clean piece of paper. Write it again and again. Lose yourself in the word. Then stop writing. Now try thinking of the word for

10-15 minutes. This is a powerful way to loop positive words into your mind. It will be easier because repetition is the mother of skill.

The power we have in the here and now is amazing. Being in control of our thought life is often referred to as mindfulness. It simply means being aware of your present environment and allowing the feeling of gratitude to lift you higher. It is hard to feel anything other than grateful when you are present. The knowledge that you are in the present moment and that you are still here and not a memory of the past is a reason to celebrate and say Thank You.

Types of Meditation Practice & Basic Tips

-Guided Meditation: This meditation practice requires A guide, video, or audio element that prompts you through the method.

-Mindfulness Meditation: This requires stillness and awareness. Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you are thinking and feeling.

It is a form of active observation that we can practice for 10 minutes or more. There are many different ways to practice mindfulness, but common techniques include focusing on your breath, noticing physical sensations, and acknowledging thoughts without judging them.

The benefits of mindfulness meditation range widely. Studies have shown that mindfulness can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and pain. It can also improve sleep quality, lower blood pressure, boost immune function, and even change the brain's structure to create more space for healthy neurons.

-Body Scan Meditation: This meditation practice requires you to focus on physical sensations. A mental body scan means to search the body for pain and stress. It is good for restorative sleep.

-Focused Meditation: This practice requires that we focus on something external. Perhaps your breath, a sound, a song, or a picture.

-Visualization Meditation: This Practice requires that we incorporate our five senses and bring up an image in our head.

-Mantra Meditation: This practice uses speech or an audio element. Repetitive words that calm the mind and body.

The difference between mindfulness and Guided Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is the practice of maintaining a non-judgmental state of heightened awareness and attentiveness to what is happening in the present moment. It also improves mental health and enhances cognitive performance. The goal of mindfulness is not to feel a certain way but to be fully aware of how you think and what is happening around you.

There are many ways to practice mindfulness, including Meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, journaling, or walking in nature. Guided Meditation is a form of Meditation where the person meditating is led through a series of thoughts and images. The guided meditation process can be done solo, in a group setting, or as an audio or video recording to follow along. The purpose of guided Meditation is to help people reach more profound levels of relaxation and mindfulness. It also allows people who have trouble focusing on their breathing and staying present in the moment.

Guided meditations can be used in many different situations. It is commonly used as an educational tool for children, as it provides a fun and calming way to learn about the benefits of Meditation. It is also widely used in therapy sessions, where it helps people relax and focus on their thoughts so they can speak freely about difficult experiences.

Guided Meditation for better sleep

Often at night, before bed, a quick guided meditation may help you sleep. Some have noticed a big difference after trying this technique. It helps them relax and prepare their mind for sleep.

Why Relaxation is important

Relaxing is a beautiful state of mind that helps you get to a better place. It can help you reduce stress, anxiety, and anger. There are many ways to relax. You could take a hot bath, listen to soothing music, or read a book or magazine. You might also try journaling, meditating, or doing yoga.

When we are stressed, our bodies release cortisol, a hormone that is meant to give us a boost of energy. When this energy is misdirected, we can feel tense and anxious. Finding ways to relax and release the tension in our bodies is essential. The best way to do this is by practicing deep breathing and sitting quietly.

When we master relaxing, we will begin feeling more refreshed and energized. When we are calm, our breathing will slow, and our muscles will release tension. Our heart rate will also lower, which increases oxygen flow to the brain, which helps us think more clearly.

The benefits of relaxation include:

- Better sleep quality

- Lowers blood pressure

- Decreases stress levels

A bath with essential body oils to relax the body can change your life. Essential oils added with aroma therapy are excellent editions to a meditation routine.

Best guided meditations of 2022

Finding peace in chaos is challenging, particularly in our busy world. In this sense, guided meditations are useful. You can develop meditation practices that suit you and fit your schedule. Some meditations will allow enough time for relaxation of your mind and body. In a sense, meditation extends well beyond relaxation. It is a real game-changer when we begin our days and end our nights this way. Some start to notice that they become more in touch with their inner self.

A healthy inner life simply means being in touch with your feelings and emotions. It means that you understand the person that you are evolving into. You are in touch with your creative side, your dreams, and what your heart truly desires. You become authentic and have a greater sense of well-being.

In addition to creating a morning meditation practice, it would be beneficial also to practice a nightly routine. Before you drift off to sleep, try to get into that perfect place of restfulness. Get into a relaxed position and focus on your breath or one word. Grab some music or write in your journal before falling asleep.

One sign that your Meditation is effective is that you will feel more motivated and inspired. For those who practice Meditation, a true sign you are making progress is when you awake in the morning, have rested well, and are in a state of pure relaxation.

We believe that when you begin to practice meditating, your feelings of stress will start to dissipate. You will stop thinking about the negative stories in your head and have more control over your emotions. In addition, you will have a greater sense of peace and renewed focus, and that is the most significant benefit of Meditation.

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